What to Expect in your Reiki Session with Authentic Alignment

Whether you’re well-versed in reiki, or you’re new to the healing method, every practitioner you visit will approach your session differently. There are a lot of things to consider when deciding whether or not reiki is an important part of your alignment goals, and knowing what to expect can help you make this decision. Below is what you can expect from an Reiki Session with Authentic Alignment. Each session is tailored and unique to the individual.

I. Reiki Overview 

Time and space to ask questions about Reiki, its origins, how it works, how we’ll be utilizing it for you and your goals. 

II. Pre-session Discussion 

If this is your first session, this is where we will review your intake form and discuss your overall healing history. Whatever you have asked for in regards to receiving reiki is typically discussed here.  

If this is a return session, we will still spend a portion of the session talking through points from past sessions, checking in on how your are feeling mentally, physically, emotionally, and if there is a specific intention you came with, or if you want help setting one.

This is also where you can ask questions and voice concerns.

Note for intake sessions: This can happen via phone call if that is more comfortable for you, or if you are tight on time for a 1.5 hour session.

III. Setting Intention & Getting Comfortable 

After discussion, we will then set an intention for your healing. Your intention and your healer’s intention can be slightly different (they are not required to be the same). This is so all intention of the session is focused on the highest healing good for YOU. Our intentions can work together for the best possible outcome. 

In our sessions, I will ask you to be seated, either in a chair, or floor pouf. If you prefer a massage table and to be horizontal, let’s discuss. 

IV. The Reiki Session 

Every session starts with pranayama (breath) deeply and to slow the body down. This allows you to fully rest into the space, and where the healer can pick up on your energy that you’re sharing. Sometimes you healer will do a scan above your body and aura, other times, the healer can sense what’s happening in you from a distance. This breathing time is integral to help ground you in your intention, the healing space, and to feel safe with your healer as the session begins.

We then will open your healing “portal” - this is just a way to ensure life force energy can enter your body. This typically happens through your crown. 

Our session will be a mix of hands on and hands off. I will always ask for permission to lay hands as needed throughout the session. 

The healer will ask you to share anything you’re feeling, seeing, sensing, and so on. This helps your healer know they are connected with you throughout the session, but also keeps the updating on how you’re feeling in general to know where to take the energy if needed, or if a break is required. 

We will work from your crown chakra to your root, taking little detours along the way if there are sticky spots in shoulders, hops, fingers, etc. 

The session will end with ensuring all energy channels are aligned, pulling energy down and up equally. There is also an aura check in. Your healer will then ask if anything feels missing, or if there are other areas to focus on. This is also a general mental, emotional, and physical check in. 

The final step is closing your portal, and wrapping you in a gold string of protection, from toes up, to ensure all the healing benefits are sealed in and you are protected from unhelpful  forces after you leave the session. 

V. Post-session Discussion

Before we chat, your healer will slowly pull you out of your healing space. You are invited to stay here as long as needed to simply feel and be. If you need help with this, your healer is there to guide you back to the present moment.  

From here, you and your healer will have a little chat where you can share your thoughts, experiences, feelings, insights, sensations, etc. gained during you session. This is also where any questions can be addressed, or additional healing can be given if something needs a bit more attention. 

Some sessions can be overwhelming, and we can work to unpack it. Other sessions are light and just meant to help calm, and we can settle on no further discussion being needed. 

After our discussion, the healer will touch on detox tips, things to be mindful of that came up in the session, and give a little list of homeworks that can help in the furthering of the energy we had unclogged and set properly for your utmost healing potential.

VI. Before you go 

You and the healer can have more discussions about post-session self-care, and even schedule your next session. Frequency of sessions is typically decided by your healing goals and the extent to which we need to help you stay aligned to achieve these goals. 

VII. Follow-Ups?

Your healer may reach out to just general check in and see how you are feeling. It’s possible you need to chat through something, or want more resources - that is what follow-ups offer. :) 

If you have any more questions regarding a reiki healing session, please reach out to Maribeth.


What is Reiki…Really?